Tuesday 14 June 2016

Let´s learn the ABC...

Hi! Here you have the alphabet´s pronunciation in English: 
(Haciendo click en este link, van a poder escuchar el alfabeto en Inglés)


And here, you have some songs for children:
(Y acá van a poder escuchar canciones con el abecedario...)





Hope you enjoy it!
Miss Analia

For my dear students...

Hi everyone! Here I leave you some links to practise the verb "to be"...  Some of them are from You Tube, with the explanation, some examples and even some songs including the subject; and some other links including exercises to complete and correct yourself...

Hola  a todos! Acá les dejo algunos enlaces para practicar el verbo "to be" ... Algunos son de You tube, con la explicación, algunos ejemplos y ademas canciones incluyendo el tema; otros links incluyen ejercicios para completar y corregirse uds mismos... 
De You tube: 








Para ejercitar:






If you have doubts, just write me,
Good luck! Miss Analia

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Talking about interculturalism...

I loved this webpage where you can find 
interesting things like these ones...

Aren´t they cute???


The benefits of learning languages

Look what I´ve found looking for information about 
learning and teaching languages...
You can find the Best Infographics About Teaching & Learning English As A Second (or Third!) Language at http://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org

Monday 7 March 2016

Intercultural awareness

Hi again!
I continue working on Second language aquisition, and this time I´d like to remind you that, among other things,  languages are the key to understanding other cultures…  There is not a “target language” but a range of different cultures; so, as  our world is multilingual, we may say that a new language may create a new mindset…. Here is where INTERCULTURAL ideas enter; we may say that Intercultural competence is the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately with people of other cultures. In interactions with people from foreign cultures, a person who is interculturally competent understands the culture-specific concepts of perception, thinking, feeling, and acting. That is why the material used to teach should have an equal value on L1 and L2, and it should promote dialogue and interaction between cultures, arousing curiosity and tolerance for other cultures (and taking into account our own culture as well).

An important concept to cultural awareness is CODE MESHING, which allows students to integrate home languages along with standard languages in a way that respects the fluid nature of language and 
the students´identities.
Code meshing can be described as  the act of combining colloquial and local words with Standard written English in order to embrace pluralism and diversity. It refers to the concurrent use of different languages, dialects, and genres, sounds, and even more distinct linguistic features and conventions in a single rhetorical performance. This way, language may be mediating culture and presupossing  awareness of own culture.    

Friday 26 February 2016

What is Interlanguage?

Hi! Long time no see!
This time I´d like to show you some interesting concepts we have been working with at English and its Teaching 3 at ISFD N°55.
If you go through this blog, you will notice some important ítems on language aquisition; and as teachers, we have to take into account different elements; one of them is INTERLANGUAGE; it can be recognized as a language created by learners of a second language which is between the target language and the learner's first language (L1).
A learner's interlanguage preserves some features of their L1, and can also overgeneralize some L2 writing and speaking rules; that´s why the learner creates an interlanguage using different learning strategies such as language transfer, overgeneralisation and simplification.

Here you have a clear video with its characteristics…